20 Year High School Reunion - A.L. Brown Class of 1996
Sat, Sep 17, 2016 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Village Park
700 West C Street, Kannapolis, NC
Food: Gary's BBQ with fixins and sweat tea
Cost: $20 per adult or $35 per couple / $5 per child for kids 4 and up
Vibe: Family Friendly
Planning Team: Marcus Misenheimer, Bobby Maddox, Brad Brothers, April Anthony-Lucas, and Bill Jolley
Vibe: Family Friendly
Planning Team: Marcus Misenheimer, Bobby Maddox, Brad Brothers, April Anthony-Lucas, and Bill Jolley
We decided on a lunch event so that you could make plans with friends for Saturday evening. If you’d like to volunteer, please let us know! There is also an event on classmates.com (for people who don’t use FB). If you’re in touch with them, please let them know.